Watching 9 to 5 was the perfect
example of unethical behavior from both men and women in the work place. In many cases the behavior is what attributed
to someone else acting unethical so really the movie was almost a domino effect
of one issue effecting the other. Our
textbook describes harassment as such, “From a legal perspective, if harassment
is established under the quid pro quo version, the employer
automatically is liable and will be held accountable for whether or not steps
were taken to correct the situation…an employer's liability in a hostile work
environment case must be established by showing not only that the harassment
occurred, but also that the employer did not take appropriate action to stop
it” (P. 351) A few of those wrong doings being many sexual comments that were said and
sexual advances that the boss made with his employee. According to the
book, sexual harassment is: "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. "(P.349) This
was seen quite frequently with the boss and Dolly Parton's character. He would
push things off his desk and have her pick them up just so he could look down
her shirt. He also bought her gifts when she told him many times that she was
married and not interested. Another example I wanted to point out was during
the movie a woman was fired on the spot based on something his “assistant”
heard in the bathroom while the woman and a coworker were talking. On top of
that they had a security guard escort to woman from her desk which was
completely unnecessary, it was clear the progressive disciplinary program was
not used at all. “A commonly used four-step progressive disciplinary
includes documented oral warning, written warning, suspension, and dismissal” (P.
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